Week 13 – Final Presentations

Today’s lesson had us present our final working concepts that displayed our work in progress so far that incorporated the project specifications outlined in the task outline. We had to present our website that we had developed over the past lessons as a working prototype to the class to be examined.

This task was a grade indicator and based on the reaction from the class, majority of people seemed to like our website design and didn’t propose any need for change. We were encouraged to make it standout in a way that didn’t appear generic as well, which could be our biggest challenge in creating the website.

Feedback we had received was encouraging and informed us of our progress, which was evident from the reactions within the room. We were overall content with the efforts we achieved as a team and now have to complete our final website design with final touches.

From now until the due date, we need to complete any minor details we were hoping to fix, and include anything we may have missed.

This presentation and from seeing other groups present their own works encouraged and inspired us to incorporate the best aspects of each and implement that into our own website in our own style.

I’ve provided our final website concepts as screenshots in its aspects of user interface design;

Having done most of the website by now, we’re in a good place to be. In order to keep ourselves in this place we need to be on top of our designs and to be constantly changing or updating anything we might need some work on.

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